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Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Multilanguage (Final 2022)

Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Multilanguage Related Collections. Videos Other downloads Category:Adobe Acrobat ru:Adobe AcrobatQ: Moodle 17: Don't close login window on successful login I'm not sure if this is possible, but is there any way of making it so that Moodle doesn't close the login window when a user is successfully logged in? It currently does that, and I'd like to have the login window stay open, or at least have the successful login message be displayed to the user. Thanks in advance. A: You have to check the variable $locked in the file /learning-paths/accounts/options.php. The setting for this variable is in the [LOGIN] section: $locked = FALSE; if ($form->get_value('lock_change') && $form->get_value('lock_change') == '0' && !$user->is_logged_in() && $user->is_locked()) { // Initial lock. // TODO: currently this is a global setting; make more // per-section based in Moodle 2.3. $locked = TRUE; } Then, the options.php file should look like this: $locked = false; if ($form->get_value('lock_change') && $form->get_value('lock_change') == '0' && !$user->is_logged_in() && $user->is_locked()) { // Initial lock. // TODO: currently this is a global setting; make more // per-section based in Moodle 2.3. $locked = true; } [LOGIN] $locked = $locked; $logout_message = ""; $default_action = "logout"; $non_logout_action = ""; He's also the self-proclaimed "robot governor of California." (source) Today it's California ac619d1d87

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